About Your Therapist

About Your Therapist

About your therapist, Mark is a Btec level 5 Soft Tissue Therapist studying under the London School of Sports Massage and soft tissue therapy at the Regents Park University. Mark has been a keen runner for over 40 years, having run for Hertfordshire county over cross country and in relays. Mark has also been competing in Triathlons since 1987 at all distances including Ironman. Mark has also competed regularly in cycle races and events since the age of 15.
Mark has developed a unique understanding of the demands of sport and our modern lifestyle on the body and how to look after ourselves. Our modern way of life puts extra stress on our bodies, massage and movement is a great way to relieve stress, anxiety, depression and help deal with a whole range of aches and pains of every day life and sports injury. Contact Me for an appointment to see how I can help you.